Archaeology is a physical glimpse into the past that reveals how and where people lived. AEW provides comprehensive archaeological services for our clients, from artifact analysis to cultural resource management.

AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Archaeological Surveys
Archaeological surveys involve the systematic examination of an area to identify and document potential archaeological sites. These surveys often use various techniques such as field surveys/monitoring, remote sensing, and geophysical surveys to locate artifacts, features, or sites of historical significance.
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Cultural Resource Management
CRM services focus on assessing the impact of development projects on archaeological resources. Archaeologists work with developers and government agencies to ensure that cultural resources are protected or mitigated during construction activities. This can include site evaluation, excavation, and documentation.

AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Archaeological Excavation
Excavation involves carefully digging and recording at archaeological sites to uncover artifacts, structures, and other cultural materials. This process allows archaeologists to gather information about past human activities, settlement patterns, and lifestyles.
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Artifact Analysis
After excavation, archaeologists analyze recovered artifacts, ecofacts (environmental remains), and archaeological features to interpret the site’s history. This analysis can provide insights into past technologies, trade networks, subsistence strategies, and cultural practices.

AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Archaeological Reporting
Archaeological reports are essential for documenting and sharing findings. These reports detail excavation methods, findings, and interpretations. They are often submitted to regulatory authorities, landowners, and researchers to ensure transparency and compliance with cultural heritage preservation laws.
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Cultural Heritage Impact Assessments
CHIAs evaluate the potential impact of development projects on cultural heritage resources. Archaeologists conduct assessments to identify, assess, and recommend measures to protect or mitigate the impact on archaeological sites.

AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Archaeological Compliance
Ensuring compliance with federal, provincial, and local regulations related to cultural heritage preservation is a crucial aspect of archaeological services in BC. This involves obtaining permits and adhering to legal requirements when conducting archaeological work.
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
AEW Archaeology
Heritage Field Reconnaissance
Our Heritage Field Reconnaissance (HFR) and survey programs are integral parts of our operations as forestry consultants, aimed at identifying Areas of Interest (AOIs) and archaeological sites within forestry blocks. Through systematic field reconnaissance and survey methodologies, we meticulously assess the historical significance and cultural heritage present in forested areas. Our team of experts conducts thorough investigations to identify potential archaeological sites, artifacts, and any areas of cultural significance. These efforts ensure that forestry activities in BC respect and protect heritage resources, allowing for sustainable forestry practices while also preserving our rich cultural heritage.