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August 7, 2024

Since its inception in 2017, A.E.W. LP has been dedicated to completing “on-the-ground work” in the fields of Archaeology, Environment, Wildlife, Forestry, and Fisheries consulting. With a mission intertwined with the protection of Nlaka’pamux title and rights, AEW aims to foster generational wealth for the communities it serves.

A Commitment to Growth and Values

Back in 2017, A.E.W. LP started with fewer than 10 employees. Fast forward to today, and the company has grown to nearly 70 full-time consultants, each specializing in highly technical areas. This remarkable growth necessitated the involvement of Leadership and Human Resources to develop a strategic plan outlining A.E.W. LP’s mission, vision, and values. Together, the plan set long-term and short-term goals, ensuring that the company remains aligned with its core objectives.

Strategic Human Resources Initiatives

Recognizing the need to attract and retain top talent, A.E.W. LP undertook a comprehensive compensation analysis to ensure competitiveness with other consulting firms. The benefits package was enhanced to include extended health, dental, long-term disability, and a pension program matching up to 6%. Understanding the importance of work-life balance, A.E.W. LP introduced flexible working arrangements, generous vacation days, sick and family days, and annual office closures from Christmas to New Year.

Employees also have the option to work from home and set schedules that fit their busy lives, while high performers are recognized with compensation incentives and opportunities for advancement within the company.

A Unique and Engaging Workplace Culture

At the heart of A.E.W. LP is its people-centric culture. Described as unique, refreshing, team-oriented, friendly, flexible, and employee-centered, the workplace environment is one where everyone feels valued and engaged. Staff engagement activities include participating in Nlaka’pamux community events, BBQs, contests like Halloween costume events, playoff hockey events, and celebrations of milestones like new babies.

AEW is a great place to work because it offers great opportunity for professional growth and development, with a wide variety of projects that continuously challenge and enrich skills. AEW is flexible employer, which ensures that employees can achieve a healthy work-life balance. Lastly, working with the Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council helps to instill an additional sense of purpose above and beyond the important work that our teams complete.

Nicholas Grocock, R.P. Bio, MSci – Intermediate Wildlife Biologist

Commitment to Community and Training

A.E.W. LP is deeply committed to providing employment opportunities to Nlaka’pamux member communities. The company offers training in various fields, including Archaeology, Heavy Equipment, Biology, Environmental Science, and Administration. To date, A.E.W. LP has trained over 70 community members, many of whom have gone on to build long-term careers within A.E.W. LP or other entities under the Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council. Ongoing training and personal development are integral components of A.E.W. LP ‘s strategy, ensuring that employees continue to grow and thrive.

The Path Forward

Human Resource initiatives at A.E.W. LP have played a crucial role in shaping a dynamic, supportive, and thriving organizational culture. By focusing on strategic planning, robust recruitment and retention strategies, comprehensive benefits, and flexible work arrangements, A.E.W. LP has not only grown but also enhanced the quality of its workplace environment.

The company’s dedication to preserving Nlaka’pamux title and rights and fostering generational wealth is a testament to its commitment to core values. Testimonials from staff highlight the flexibility, professional growth opportunities, and meaningful work that make A.E.W. LP a remarkable place to build a career.

There are many reasons why I enjoy working for AEW. For one, being able to work at the office or remotely without a set number of in-office days provides flexibility that you don’t get to often experience at similar companies and allows a great deal more freedom all while staying productive. There are also plenty of opportunities for unique experiences around the beautiful Nlaka’pamux Homeland; whether it is field work or participating in community outreach. Most importantly, working with the Nlaka’pamux means a focus on preserving our natural environment, with an emphasis on protection and restoration of historic values and resources. Our work has a direct impact on the well-being of the community, and it provides great satisfaction seeing how our work is being used to benefit the future for all.

Reid Bryshun, Ph.D – Fish and Aquatics Biologist

Looking ahead, A.E.W. LP aspires to be one of Canada’s top 100 employers, driven by its people and their dedication to environmental protection and community support. A.E.W. LP ‘s goal is to continue leading in consulting work across Canada, with its people at the helm of this ambition.

This is why A.E.W. LP is not just a great place to work—it’s a place where careers flourish, communities thrive, and the environment is safeguarded for future generations.

Over the past year I’ve been at AEW, there have been various reasons it’s been a stand-out company to work for, including: AEW has a diverse group of professionals. I can collaborate with other professionals and enrich my knowledge, challenge my thinking, and broaden my views. Theres a great work-life balance. Our colleagues, supervisors, and managers all recognize its significance, which has a positive impact on team morale. AEW encourages continuous learning and development. There are endless opportunities for growth. If you show a keen interest in something, you’re provided training, resources, and freedom to pursue projects.

Sydney Havenga, R.P.F. – Professional Forester