Taking care of the environment is something AEW does not take lightly. In fact, it’s the fundamental Nlaka’pamux law: Ash QUA nshta a demEEwuh aksh ash QUA-nshch a.wEE: Take care of the land and the land will take care of you. We offer a wide range of environmental services focused on environmental protection and monitoring.

AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Management Plans
An EMP is a comprehensive document that outlines strategies and measures to manage and mitigate the environmental impacts of a project or ongoing operations. It includes guidelines and procedures for monitoring, reporting, and addressing environmental concerns throughout the completion of projects.
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Protection Plans
An EPP is a specific component of an EMP. It focuses on measures and actions designed to prevent or minimize potential adverse environmental impacts during project implementation. EPPs detail protective measures, best practices, and contingency plans.

AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental monitoring involves the systematic and ongoing collection of data and information related to environmental parameters such as air quality, water quality, soil conditions, wildlife populations, and more. This data is used to assess the environmental health and detect any changes or potential issues.
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Assessments
Environmental assessments are comprehensive evaluations of proposed projects or activities to assess their potential environmental impacts. These assessments, which can be at the federal, provincial, or local level, help regulators make informed decisions and may require the submission of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) or Environmental Impact Statements (EISs).

AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Surveying
Environmental surveying involves the systematic collection of field data to assess the physical and ecological conditions of a specific area. This can include topographic surveys, habitat assessments, biodiversity surveys, and other techniques to gather baseline information for environmental assessments and management.
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Environmental Auditing
Environmental auditing is a systematic review and evaluation of an organization’s environmental performance and compliance with environmental regulations, policies, and standards. These audits are conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure legal and ethical environmental practices.

AEW Environment
AEW Environment
AEW Environment
Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring
Groundwater and surface water monitoring involves the continuous or periodic assessment of the quality and quantity of groundwater and surface water resources. It aims to detect any contamination, changes in water levels, or other issues that may impact water availability and quality.